I forward a mail posted on tex2pdf-devel.
Anyone aware of this and recommanding to force the switch ?
(may be useful for internal LyX graphics conversions).


------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------

From: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [tex2pdf-dev] Releasing 3.1
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2002 15:21:34 +0200 (MET DST)

[snip] thread about the fact that backconversion of bitmapped
       eps to pdf via epstopdf may fail if the switch is not set;
       avoided is the original bitmap is present, but may happen
       with eps of unknown origin or (to be checked) exported from xfig

>>So you recommand to set the option within the
>>script rather than provide a warning ?
>>Someting like
>>setenv GS_OPTIONS "$GS_OPTIONS -dCompatibilityLevel=1.1"
>>(forgive a possible syntax error).
>>I don't know if it's possible to change this before 3.1.
>>Perhaps changing the message to suggest to set the GS_OPTIONS
>>would be enough right now.

So what's going on ?
I ran through the GS doc, and found nothing about
the -dCompatibilityLevel switch.

I think a bit annoying to force an undocumented GS option,
anyone knowing something about this ?

On the other side, further checks show that the error
may highly depend unpon the local screen fonts installed
(same file, same acroread binary, different behaviour
on different computers), so the option seems compulsory
when wide diffusion is planned, even with a correct
behaviour on your screen.

The printed stuff must be OK, but if we provide hyperlinked
PDF, it's to read it on screen...


Tex2pdf-devel mailing list

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