Hello everyone,
as an ardent usr of LyX I was very happy to use all those new features when 
LyX-1.2.0 came out. Now we are in the process of advertizing its use on a 
larger scale at our institution. Only problem is: LyX is very unstable and 
slow so that we will scare people away more than convince them to use LyX.
This instability pertains to mostly to table as does the really slow speed. 
When cutting and pasting for instance lyx bombs out kind of regularly.
We have a RedHat 7.3 system with xforms-0.89-3

Also, there do not seem to be rpms of a higher patchlevel around.
We have lyx-1.2.0-1 installed.

Is this a general problem?


Eildert Groeneveld
Institute for Animal Science
Mariensee 31535 Neustadt Germany
Tel : (+49)(0)5034 871155 Fax : (+49)(0)5034 92579
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.tzv.fal.de/~eg/

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