Laurie Savage wrote:

> After browsing the archives I came across Jon Pennington's posting for 
> exam.layout. When exported to LaTex it does not generate the nested 
> structure the class needs, viz
> \begin{question}
> A question
>    \begin{answer}
>    An answer
>    \end{question}
> \end{answer}
> or the paired structure for mix and match
> \begin{match}
>    \pair{Einstein}{Relativity}
>    \pair{Hoyle}{Panspermia}
> \end{match}
> If some one will point me in the right direction I'll have a go at 
> rolling my own and post the results here.

as far as I remember, there is no layout file for the
examdesign-class which you are using

in this class there is only a "matching"-environment. You should
create a layout file if you want to use LyX. Or look into the
examplefile whoch comes with the class file and write it with any
other texteditor.

Remember that there exists at least three different exam-classfiles
in CTAN.



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