Christian Ridderström wrote:

>When using the package hyperref, together with the option pdftex, Lyx 
>hangs if I try to do "View/DVI". It works if I do "View/PDF (pdflatex)".
>Should lyx really hang in this situation, even if you are not allowed to 
>use the pdtex-option together with "View/DVI"?
>I've put a very simple .lyx-file that illustrates this behaviour here:
This has been my experience with hyperref too.  You can either remove it 
from your preamble when you want DVI/PostScript output (\usepackage{url} 
is sufficient here) or if you want to be really clever, use an if loop 
in the preamble so that hyperref only kicks in if pdflatex is used (I 
can't remember where I read how to do this, but a search should turn it up).


"There are only 10 types of people in the world. Those
 who understand binary and those who don't" -

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi
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