Matej Cepl wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 06:36:35PM +0200, Pascal Francq wrote:
>>When compiling a docment, I have the following error:
>>"LaTeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory=351000]"
>>I know that it can be change, but I don't remember the name of the config file 
>>and the command to run after the changes to make it effectiv.
> In nearly 99.99% of all cases this error happens, it is not because of
> too big document (LaTeX is set up to be pretty huge usually these days),
> but because of some mistake in the document (usually missing closing
> parenthesis "}"). Check your preamble (or any latex code in the
> document) once again.
> The configuration file is $TEXMF/web2c/texmf.cnf and then you have to
> regenerate all formats (try texconfig).
> Matej

In my experience, it's frequently the result of putting ERT inside a 
section-type environment. If the absolute position of the ERT is not 
that important, put it in a Standard paragraph on it's own; otherwise, 
try writing the whole paragraph in ERT.


"So I repeat myself?  I am great, I contain tautologies."

Robin Turner
Bilkent Üniversitesi

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