On Mon, Oct 07, 2002 at 01:34:50AM +0000, E GCP wrote:
> I'm a newbie, so this question maybe dumb, but why if I use the rotfloat 
> package, my table for example cannot be a float in LyX? That is, it won't 
> work unless I delete the "\begin_float tab"  "\end_float" from the LyX 
> file. Will the table still behave like a float?

You can't have a float inside a float:
In your case, you put a table float inside a sideways table float.
You just need to use sideways table float.
See the attached file.
#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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This is a floating table.
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\latex latex 


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