Is there an easy way to tell what the LaTeX name is for a math symbol in
LyX?  (So I could subsequently manually type it in using its name rather
than going back to the math panel).  And I mean easier than resorting to
looking in the generated .lyx file. e.g. having a tooltip on the symbols
in the math panel which show their LaTeX equivalent would be useful.

If I'm not mistaken, an old behaviour in LyX was that when you inserted a
math symbol from the math panel, the LyX status bar (bottom of page) would
tell you what command was just executed (math-insert <something>) which
was useful in telling the name of the symbol inserted.  (But maybe I'm
remembering wrong -- in any case that no longer happens with 1.2.1).

email responses would be appreciated since I'm not subscribed to this


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