On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 08:41, |b|c|r| wrote:
> I've recently switched from red hat 7.3 to debian woody.  I apt-got lyx,
> it came without a hitch.  started right up.  i remember fighting all day
> to get red hat to make it run.
> anyway, my debian copy came without all the good stuff that my redhat came
> with.  i cant double space, i cant change font, i cant spell check.  I can
> fix these things one at a time, its a pain, tho.  is there some library of
> something that i'm supposed to apt-get along with lyx that no one told me
> about?

Nice word apt-got :-)

First. Apt-get synaptic. This is a convenient frontend to apt-get. Start
synaptic, search for lyx, and look which packages it suggest. Probably
aspell and some fonts that you currently do not have installed.



P.S. Woody is rock stable, but its software is relatively old because it
has been tested very long. Unless you do very critical work it is better
to upgrade to Debian Sarge (testing) or even Unstable (Sid). Even
Unstabel is stable, I run it for two weeks now and did not encounter any

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