On Sun, 9 Feb 2003, Herbert Voss wrote:

| Choose
|    \documentclass[9pt,a5paper]{extreport}
| and then scale the output with
|    \usepackage{scale}
| or without scale.sty
|    \mag=1414 % place before \documentclass.

I have tried this way. It's OK for the fontsize, but all my latex-graphics
are not scaled.

| or write your own size13.clo for the extsizes.sty
| (not really difficult)

This seems not soo difficult... I have read the code of size10.clo,
size11.clo, size12.clo and size14.clo. There is probably a pattern of
expanding the fontsize and displyskip, but I don't know what is... Do you
know a tutorial or something like that which explain how to setting the
latex standard, for example: if I expand the fontsize to 15pt, how to
calculate the displayskip? LaTeX has likely a rule to calculate such

Thank you very much for your kindly help.

Best Regards,


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