>>Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 17:24:33 -0700
>>From: Nirmal Govind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Jean-Pierre.Chretien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: importing graphics
>>> Try tex2pdf, preserves the original jpg images, 
>>> does the hyperref part for you.
>>I downloaded and tried tex2pdf.. it gives me errors..
>>btw, from the log file, it seems like it uses pdflatex?? So how would
>>the output be different from the one using pdflatex directly? Just
>>curious.. I'm attaching the log file for tex2pdf in case you know what's
>>going wrong.. In the converters section, I wasn't sure what extra
>>flags needed to be specified.. the README doesn't talk abt the
>>options/flags available...

tex2pdf aims to run pdflatex on tex file ready for plain latex
(i.e. creating dvi) without altering the original.

Basically it
 - copies all original tex files as -xxx.tex files (xxx defaults to pdf)
 - converts all ps or eps graphics to pdf using esptopdf
 (which lies with the latex binaries, as a perl scrip calling gs)
 - inserts the hyperref commands described by the configuration files
 (take the default if not done
In addition, it does all the necessary runs to cope with bibtex, index, 
glossary, check for metapost files, and gives a try (this is not
stable yet) to psfrag part.

So it "does pdflatex" for you, that means that you should not
take steps on your own by including pdftex option of graphicx 
(I.m not really sure for this) or hyperref itself.

You're message about input stack size is puzzling, 
first time I see it. I had to increase pool size and memory
dur tu hyperref buffering needs.

All seems correct up to there, you may run with -debug option
and see directly what's wrong with the -pdf files, because
this message kills the first pdflatex run, so that bibtex cannot work.

As this belongs rather to tex2pdf than to lyx, I Cc my answer
to the tex2pdf list.


PS the reame is not useful for options, run tex2pdf -c to understand 
about those.

By the way, which tex2pdf version ? Which pdftex version ? 
Which hyperref version ? 
 ->tex2pdf -v
tex2pdf Version 3.1.20
(last CVS)

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020211 (Web2C 7.3.7x)

  [2002/05/27 v6.72r
  Hypertext links for LaTeX]

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