Andres Becerra Sandoval wrote:
Hello LyXers,

I've seen that lyx internal format suports accents with this codes:

\i \'{letter}<CR>

where letter is a | e | i | o | u and <CR> is a carriage return

It also supports

\i \~{n}<CR> for an n~ (ntilde)

But, for default, the internal format uses the accented characters directly
and not the codes above, and this causes me troubles with Latex2Html.

What I like to do is that my lyx uses this codes by default ...

Maybe I have something wrong, and this a mistake in my machine configuration which is:

Redhat 8.0 Lyx 1.3.2

Try using lyxport ( I don't remember what I did, but it seems to fix whatever the encoding issue is. I just wrote a simple test with accents (same platform as you), and while Lyx's 'Export to HTML' does indeed fail, lyxport succeeds.



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