>>>>> "Nirmal" == Nirmal Govind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Nirmal> This request is based on experiences with trying to send LaTeX
Nirmal> files generated by LyX to other "pure" LaTeX users and a
Nirmal> conference that required a single LaTeX file which had
Nirmal> everything in it.. So the request is to have LyX convert the
Nirmal> LyX document to a .tex file which would have the .eps figures,
Nirmal> .bbl file for bibliography and any other non-standard .sty
Nirmal> files (these may have to be user-specified) included in the
Nirmal> .tex file using the filecontents environment. 

A big problem with filecontents is that if you modify a file that your
correspondent already have, filecontents will _not_ override it. Am
major problem, if you ask me.


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