Hello Lyx'ers

The DVI-Output work fine, but the change from the menü-language
(englisch>german) work not. i have add the preferences from my
Lyx-Installation. How found the error.

Thanks Jojo

### This file is part of
### ========================================================
###          LyX, The Document Processor
###          Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich
###          Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team.
### ========================================================

# This file is written by LyX, if you want to make your own
# modifications you should do them from inside LyX and save

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# MISC SECTION ######################################

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# FILE SECTION ######################################

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# ASCII EXPORT SECTION ##############################

# SPELLCHECKER SECTION ##############################

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\alternate_language "german"

# LANGUAGE SUPPORT SECTION ##########################

# 2nd MISC SUPPORT SECTION ##########################

\default_language german

# FORMATS SECTION ##########################

\viewer "pdf" "C:\Programme\Adobe\AcroReader\Reader\AcroRd32"
\viewer "pdf2" "C:\Programme\Adobe\AcroReader\Reader\AcroRd32"
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# CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: german language and latex start error
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 20:47:35 +0100
From: Gareth Jenkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "(LyX-Users)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

harmel wrote:

>Hello Lyx'er
>i have download and install the lyx-port for win 1.3.2 from Ruurd
>now i have problems to change the language from englisch to german, i
>have edit the preferences file and reconfigure it, but the language wars
>always englisch.
Do you mean the language of the user interface? Take a look at the 
help->customisation in chapter 4 although I don't know if this works 
properly with the windows port. The language for dvi output can be 
selected in the document preferences.

>When i would start dvi-preview, i become the following error message
>"Cannot run latex  The path to the lyx file cannot contain spaces"
>What can i do
Put your lyx file in a location that doesn't contain any spaces. C:\My 
documents\my file.lyx will not work but C:\LyxFiles\my_file.lyx should 
be OK.

>Thanks jojo
Gareth Jenkins
Imperial College London
Web: www.achem.ic.ac.uk/

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