Please post to the list. Others might find this useful.

On Tuesday 23 September 2003 1:18 pm, harmel wrote:
> the file i found not, can i generate it?

Please don't top post.

> Angus Leeming wrote:
> > You also need to ensure that you have the translation file and
> > that it is installed in the right place (so that LyX can find it). You
> > should find it at ${PREFIX}/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ where
> > $PREFIX is the base of the path to your lyx instalation. (The LyX
> > executable is found at ${PREFIX}/bin/lyx on a unix machine.)

If you can't find the ${PREFIX}/share/locale/${XX}/LC_MESSAGES/ files, 
then perhaps Ruurd has not packaged them in his port of LyX to Windows? Maybe 
you should ask him direct. His email address is on the "Lyx for Win32" web 

The files can indeed be autogenerated, but that requires you to have 
the necessary tools installed on your machine. It may be easier if you ask a 
German user of lyx 1.3.2 to post you his/her copy of de/LC_MESSAGES/ 


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