On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, James Frye wrote:

> Guess we must have learned *nix from different sources, then.  IIRC - it
> has been a couple of decades - not using characters such as <, >, &, or
> space was one of the basic "Intro to Unix" things.

Well... I wouldn't recommend it in an introduction ;-)
And it is a good guideline to avoid special characters in general.

Actually, when I first encountered Unix it was a sport to create files 
with complicated names that where b&!--y difficult to erase... maybe 
that's where my "bad" habit is from?

> But why do you want to make things difficult?

A recent reason are my electronic books (reading on a laptop works 
surprisingly well). I store the books in a directory tree like this:

localhost:books>tree -d
|-- L. Bujold
|   `-- Diplomatic immunity
|-- W. Simmons
|   `-- Dead on my feet
|-- J. L. Chalker
|   `-- Mechior's Fire

where of course a `'` is just as easy to create as a space, i.e.
        mkdir Melchior\'s\ Fire

And since we already are off-topic, I can recommend Baen's free library



Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44          http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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