Dear readers of this list,
I would like to use LyX in conjunction with the latex package teubner for 
(old) greek philological typesetting. I have a working installation of the 
package teubner, however, I cannot use it with LyX. I think it is because it 
uses a language attribute in the preamble (an example is attached at the 
end). I tried to change the settings under edit/preferences/language, and 
also I tried with entries into format/document/LaTeX preamble, but no 

Grateful for any helpful hints

Yours sincerely

Tobias Hilbricht


\languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko} <------ here is the attribute





\section*{\selectlanguage{greek}SAPFOUS MELH --- 
\selectlanguage{german}{Sapphos Lieder}}



\longa \brevis \longa \ubarbrevis{} >orr'a|nojen \Ladd{\brevis \longa 
\Ladd{---} kat'ioisa \\ [1ex]

de~uru m\lladd{m}> >e\d{s} \d{K}\d{r}ht\d{a}s .p\ladd{\Dots[5]}na~uon\\
>'agnon >'op \lbrk pai d`h\rbrk q'arien m`en >'alos\\
mal'i\ladd{an}, b~wmoi d> >'evi jumi'ame-\\
noi \Ladd{lib}an'wtw\\ [1ex]

>en \Ladd{d>}>'udwr y~uqron kel'adei di> >'us\Ladd{d}wn \\
mal'i\Ladd{nw}, br'odoisi d'e pa~is >o q~wros \\



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