Hello everybody.
I am new to the list, but I have been using lyx since the 1.1.6 version. Now I use 1.3.3 on a RedHat 9, Qt. I always had a problem when I was exporting to latex and then reimporting to lyx a particular thing. Namely, if I insert an inline equation (C-M) and in the box I put just a * (for example *-homomoprhism), when I export to latex and then import to lyx, it gives me an error. I atach a test file.
Can you help me with this, please.
Thank you,
Marius Ionescu

Marius Ionescu

Department of Mathematics
University of Iowa

Office: 225N MLH
Phone: 319-335-3767

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This is a 
\begin_inset Formula $*$


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