
I have reported this before without response but this time I have some more details. When I produce a doc using the prosper (Weiss) layout and lyx 1.3.2 (redhat 7.3) and export the file as postscript, I can not view the file in landscape using gs 7.05, gv 3.5.8. I get "postscript interpreter failed in main window". However, if I export it as latex and run dvips it all works fine. So the interesting question is "What is the difference?"

Well here it is at the bottom of this email. diff lecture4.ps test.ps. lecture4.ps is the one produced by export to latex that has no problems. test.ps is made by exporting to postscript and can't be viewed by me in landscape.

On a redhat 9 machine (with the same version numbers for gs and gv) I *can* view test.ps in landscape but the page is clipped as if it were still portrait. This means that about a third of the page on the right is missing.

In upshot it seems that all I need to do is get rid of the "-t a4" that lyx puts into the dvips line and everything should be fine. How can I do this? It seems to be causing problems all round.


--------------- output of diff lecture4.ps test.ps ---------------------------------------------

> %%DocumentPaperSizes: a4
< %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips lecture4 -o lecture.ps
> %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips -t a4 -o lecture4.ps lecture4.dvi
< %DVIPSSource: TeX output 2003.10.12:1846
> %DVIPSSource: TeX output 2003.10.12:1845
< %%PaperSize: A4
> %%BeginPaperSize: a4
> a4
> %%EndPaperSize
< %%BeginDocument: /home/clifford/docs/simple-pic.eps
> %%BeginDocument: /tmp/lyx_tmpdir16432WHdy6/lyx_tmpbuf0/_home_clifford_docs_sim
< %%BeginDocument: /home/clifford/docs/simple-pic2.eps
> %%BeginDocument: /tmp/lyx_tmpdir16432WHdy6/lyx_tmpbuf0/_home_clifford_docs_sim

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