
I'm trying to use the fancyhdr package in a hebrew document, however I get a strange behavior: The left and right headers seem to switch places some times.(this is not because of odd/even numbered pages)

I could not find what triggers this switching. For example, in the attached file, this always happens on the last page, however I have a more complex file in which the headers switch and then switch back again.

Please note, that in the example file, I get hebrew giberish instead of the english text, when the headers are switched.

I also tried to define the headers in a right-to-left paragraph, but then I would get errors in the compilation.

Thanks for any help,



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#LyX 1.2 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
\lyxformat 220
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\lang english

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\lang english

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\lang english

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\lang hebrew
\lang english

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\lang english

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\lang hebrew
\lang english

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\lang english
first page
\layout Standard

\lang english
second page
\layout Standard

\lang english
third page

Attachment: fancyhdr-hebrew.ps.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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