From LaTeXConfig.lyx

4.25 llncs
Found: no
Notes: The document class llncs can be used to write articles for submission to the Springer journal Lecture Notes in Computer Science . LATEX documents are available from Springer s ftp site on the following URL: The LYX layout file for this document class is still insufficiently tested.

4.26 memoir
Found: no
CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/supported/memoir/
Notes: Memoir is a flexible class for typesetting general fiction, non-fiction and mathematical works as books, reports, articles or manuscripts. Documents can use 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 or 17pt as the normal font size. Many methods are provided to let you create your own particular design.

This is just a snippet of the file generated after configuring and compiling source.

My question is simple: Is this to be expected that under lyx1.3.3/lib/layout/ several of the .layout files will not be found during configure?


Marc J. Driftmeyer

P.S. I chose memoir because I want to use it and upon not finding it and reading the LaTeXConfig.lyx I saw several missing.

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