On Tuesday 04 November 2003 06:11 pm, tarvydas wrote:

"I'm trying to create a letter which includes a letterhead logo in the upper
left hand corner and I would like to add an address to the logo.

Any pointers?"

Although I am a newbie also, I have a nice, flexible LyX letterhead. I suggest 
you skip the letter class because only a guru can customize it. Letter class 
was apparently designed to allow one to quickly change the mailing address 
and salutation when sending the same letter to many different people.  It was 
not designed for an office that needs the ability to change the elements of 
the letter. 

Try the article class and start with a blank. Put your fancy stuff at the top. 
Then you can try the right address and address environments, which are 
included in the article class, for your addresses. I think these are the  
aspects of the letter class that are of the greatest utility for most users. 
(The right address environment is especially clever.)

Next you can add your own salutation, text area, closing, cc, P.S., etc. and 
make the form into a template. With this template it should be relatively 
easy to add ad hoc stuff you need from time to time about reference numbers, 
mailing instructions, and the like. 

One thing about the letter class that we are supposed to love is the automatic 
provision of the date. With the article class, you will have to provide your 
own date. But in my shop, I want my dates to stay put. 

Good luck!

Hank McFadyen in Dallas, TX

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