On Thursday 13 November 2003 13:44, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> I'm creating a multiple choice test, in which I'd like to put code
> examples right after an Enumeration letter, i.e.
> 1. Which of the following does foo?
>       (a) This is code
>                 this is more code and should be lined up with the code
> above
>       (b) more code
>             code with (b)
> 2. Next question

  Yes you can. :-)

> My problem is that I can't nest a LyX Code environment inside an empty
> nested Enumerate environment. Everything works fine if I type something
> first after a and b and then start the LyX Code on the next line, but
> that's going to add a whole page to the test.

  Look to the attached example and see if that is what you want

> Thanks,
> Todd

José Abílio

LyX and docbook, a perfect match. :-)
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/
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\layout Enumerate

Which of the following does foo?
\layout Enumerate

This is code
\layout LyX-Code

this is more code and should be lined up with the code above
\layout Enumerate

more code
\layout LyX-Code

code with (b)
\layout Enumerate

Next question

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