Jade wrote:

I think Lyx lacks classes in order to make different kinds of documents. It's very easy to make an article, a book or whaterver you want, but as soon as you want to make somthing else (eg : a thesis, ...), it's a little more complicated and if you are not a programer or a Latex user, it's a little hard.

nonsense, you are not the first one who wants to right a thesis

Would it be hard to propose a system that would allow users to define themselves the classes they want, in a simple way (eg : like OpenOffice does for exemple, so I could define 9 parts/ chapters/ titles/ sections/ subsections/ subsubsection/ subsubsubsubsection and so on...) ?

LaTeX knows by default: part | chapter | section | subsection | subsubsection | paragraph | subparagraph

and more is not senseful or do you mean that   looks really nice??


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