Angus Leeming wrote:
> Markus Amersdorfer wrote:
>> Besides the graphicx-package mentioned above, I also had to include
>>   \usepackage{color}
>> in the document preamble.
> If you play with the settings of the text dialog in xfig you can use
> the default font of your document. That get's around this particular
> requirement if you're using black text.
> I can't remember the details, but the 3rd column of the pstex_t file
> entry for a text entry should be '-1'.

Sorry, that's the '.fig' file, of course. Note the '-1' in 
the third column here:

4 2 -1 0 -1 0 10.000  0.000 3 125.000 2700.000 6387 1580 


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