Günter Milde wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 07:09:12PM +0100, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> There is the possibility to (mis) use ERT-Boxes. Put your note there and
> start it with a "%".
> Export to LaTeX is fine, but reLyX will silently eat away all
> "%"-comments.
> Could we have an import option to convert "% soemthing\n" either to a note
> or to an ERT-Box?

Try to implement it in reLyX. Then you'll see why it is not there already...
I once tried to improve reLyX, but have given up because it was too
As I wrote, tex2lyx is a working alternative. This is the contents of a
wrapper script to produce lyx files for lyx 1.3:

#! /bin/sh
tex2lyx${SUFFIX} $@ | ${INSTDIR}/share/lyx/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -t 221

where the "real" tex2lyx is named tex2lyx-1.4.


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