Eric Durbrow wrote:

Downloaded the LyX program, ran the AppleScript setup, and can open it. Ran reconfigure.
Downloaded the gimp-print program and installed it.
Downloaded tetex etc using i-installer and fink (I tried both)

Result: the icon representing the printer and tex are still grayed out (non-functional).

You don't need two versions of teTeX and for MacOS-10.3 you don't need to install gimp-print. The installation of Lyx/Mac is simple (the directions on both the background of the download image and in the accompanying ReadMe):

        - install teTeX;
        - drag the LyX icon to your preferred location;
        - run the LyX-Setup script;
        - do Edit -> Reconfigure when you first start LyX.

The order of items is significant.

Ronald Florence

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