>>Yann Esposito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in news:58129F54-
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm on os X, (but the question remain for linux), and I have LyX 1.3.4
>>> I want to use a  normal version of prettyref with english document and 
>>> an hacked version of prettyref for french document. Unfortunately, lyx 
>>> does not take the prettyref.sty located in the directory of my 
>>> document.
>>> My solution for the moment is to copy my version of prettyref in the 
>>> /tmp/lyx.../lyxbuffer.
>>> Is there an easier solution (like configuring some path ?)
>>> Thanks.
>>What about giving the hacked version a different name, registering it 
>>with LaTeX (texhash or whatever to update the tables), then loading the 
>>hacked version by (modified) name in the preamble of the LyX doc?

If you're using TeXLive, it's enough to insert the hacked file
in the texmf-local tree, which is searched before texmf.

Anyway, there is something wrong if a .sty file in the docdir is not
used instead of the standard version: . should be searched before $TEXMF.


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