On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Roland Schmitz wrote:

> i want to have two (or more) pitures side by side placed in my document. I
> already searched the net with "tex picture side by side" and found a lot
> of links, but they are not wat i want. I'm using a figure float for
> pictures so i can set a title for the picture, and it will allso apeare in
> the list of figures. I tried to use a minipage with two figure floats in
> it, but inside a minipage it is only possible to use a "Wrap figure"
> float.

  I went through this for my book. I use a minipage within which I create as
many floats/figure or floats/table as I need. Within each of these I can
create a separate caption and insert the figures/tables, then space them
across the line as desired. Or, I can use a single caption for them all.
Works like a charm.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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