I am formatting a document for a journal submission using ascelike.cls.
The problem is I have no experience using a .cls that didn't come as
part of my LyX install before.  I need some help making this work.

I have setup a basic .layout and it is sort of working.  I am able to
generate a DVI that is close, but am having a few problems.

1. I can't get the author and contact information to show.
When I look in the cls file there is command \author{ \thanks{ }} which
I am trying to use.  When I use it, nothing is displayed (although the
Author Environment works within LyX - but no "thanks" component).

2. The bibliography doesn't show anymore.
I have ascelike.bst and a .bib file but nothing shows.  I had the paper
working with \usepackage{natbib} and the above two files, but once I
started using the .cls file the bibliography doesn't show anymore. 
Also, the reference numbers have been replaced by question marks.

3. The figures and tables don't show up in the dvi.
I am obviously doing something wrong because the figures and tables are
no longer being displayed.  The are fine in the LyX file and if I use a
different layout they work.

I have some other problems, but if someone could provide me with some
insight on these, I am thinking (hoping?) I can make some progress with
the others on my own.


Kent Kostuk

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