>>Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 08:16:55 +0200
>>From: "G. Milde" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: FloatFlush command?

>>I guess the problem is with too many floats or one exeptional large one.
>>TeX has some quite conservative settings about how much space on a page
>>can be used by a float. 

Without digging into the penalization variables
which control float placement, which is a quite complicated
part of the TeX automatic layout computation algorithm,
adding a ! before the placement command is a simple way
to relax these settings.
That's what the checkbox "Ignore internal LaTeX rules" does
when you select "Alternatives" in the placement dialog box.

If you use the global placement setting, you should then
add it (like !ht if your most frequent float insert should obey the user
rule "Here, otherwise top").

You may then change locally this setting: e.g, to account for
the fact that the caption should appear above tables, you could 
select "Alternatives", "Bottom of the page", "Here, if possible"
and "Ignore internel LateX rules" to get locally !bh, i.e.
"Here, otherwise bottom of page".

Seems to me a good compromise between TeX settings and the
"Here, definitely" which leaves no freedom to the placement procedure,
and this gave me quite satisfactory first try layouts in most cases
(that is when there is not too much amount of floats w.r.t amount of text).


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