Hi all.

I've spent a good while experimenting with EPS figures. I wrote a program
using GnomePrint, which produces PS files. These seem to include a few
commands which do not allow using the bounding box. I've noticed many
threads on the EPS theme, but have not been able to find a solution
(including none of the various preamble tricks worked). I've installed gs
8.01, as the previous version segfaulted with ps2epsi. Tests done

- use ps2eps (bbox is correctly detected)
- use ps2epsi (idem)
- use convert file.ps EPS:file.eps (Someone said convert would rasterize.
  Doesn't seem so)
- editing manually the ps or eps files
- viewing with gv/saving with bbox
- adding -dEPSCrop to the converter
- adding -dUseBoundingBox (?) to the converter
- enabling the 'clip to' in LyX
- changed gs versions

In many combinations I found that gv showed the image correctly bounded to
the image, and in some cases even LyX showed the image clipped correctly.
In all cases though, the resulting PDF included all the white space above
the image, pushing image down, half out of the page, ignoring the bounding



PS: if someone wants to try, I've put a gzipped PS file:


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