On Sat, 21 Aug 2004, Rob S wrote:

> I use this one without problems
> B.M. Sumer and J. Freds{\o}e


  Thanks. I'll test it right now. The reason I did not try this is that
additional brackets within a bracked value indicates to the software that
the characters within are literal.

  For example, as part of that same reference the title ends with "... using
AHP". The formatter converts the acronym to lower case letters because only
the initial letter is upper case. Putting the acronym within brackets
preserves the case.

  Let's see what happens with the accent ...

  Sonofagun! With a little trial-and-error I learned that S{\'o}lnes
produces the accented 'o' just fine.

Thank you,


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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