ingo frost wrote:

> hello from berlin,
> I have now tried two distributions (knoppix debian, and suse linux)
> and tried to install the newest lyx version and I still have
> problems to get the bibtex in my lyx document to work and I did not
> find any resuorces on the web concerning these problems, please help
> me:
> If I use a library style like "plain" lyx parses the file without
> errors but in the output are two mistakes: In the text every
> citation has a (author?) remark and in the citation index some
> titles are switched to lower case letters (this is a crucial problem
> if you have some german titles!).
> When I try a different style like "gerplan" lyx does not parse the
> file: "30 errores appeared, you should try to fix them". The errors
> all look like thisone:
>  >Undefined control sequence.
>  > ...pbell, Ingo}: {\em Biologie}, \btxpagelong
>  >                                                  {}\ 513.
>  >The control sequence at the end of the top line
>  >of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
>  >misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
>  >spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
>  >and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
> When I try to parse these file by hand with latex and
> bibtex, there are no errors.. but I need to get them parsed by lyx!

The message above is output by the latex compiler, not by lyx. Go 
into the tmp/lyxtmp.../lyx_tmpbuf0 directory where you'll find the 
failing .tex file and try and run latex 'by hand' on it. The .log 
file should tell yo more.

> So any Idea what I can try to fix these problems???
> ingo


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