Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Paul Smith wrote:
>> Thanks, Herbert. There is a (probably) easier way of dealing with this
>> bug: set (inside LyX) the language of the document, from which one
>> copies, with the language of one's document; then, one can paste with
>> a language compatible with one's document.
| the problem is, that you can have _spaces_ in another language
| which doesn't make any sense. And it is impossible to see this
| from inside LyX.
|  > Is it advisable to report this bug in bugzilla? Or is this bug
| already known?
| bugzilla has more than 100 open bugs ... so there is no sense to
| me reporting another one ...

then expect the bug to never be fixed.

Of course the bug should be added to bugzilla.


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