
If I insert an example environment in a french beamer document, I get "example" instead of "exemple". I checked the latex file: frenchb is passed as an option to beamer, babel is also used. I also tried to insert in the preamble \usepackage[french]{beamer} but no way to obtain the french word.
If I modify the beamer.layout file, I guess it changes only the word in the lyx window, right ?
How can I obtain the french word ?


 Dr. Nicolas Ferre'
 Laboratoire de Chimie Theorique et de Modelisation Moleculaire
 UMR 6517 - CNRS Universite' de Provence
 Case 521 - Faculte' de Saint-Jerome
 Av. Esc. Normandie Niemen
 13397 MARSEILLE Cedex 20 (FRANCE)
 Tel : (+33)              Fax : (+33)

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