On Wed, 5 Jan 2005, Alberto wrote:

1) i selected the book "style", is that correct for my thesis? i'm not
sure of what a style involves. Probably is easier to answer to this
question seeing the other problems. (I hope...)


  Does your university have either A) a defined thesis format or B) LaTeX
class for that format?

2) i'm not able to obtain a common way to see the page numbers; sometimes
the page number is on the top-right corner of the page, sometimes on the
bottom (the first page of each chapter, and in the index pages). Can i
decide where the page number must be printed?

Yes. The fancyhdr package lets you control what information is seen.

3) i'm writing my thesis with some other people, but i'm not able to put their
names on the authour field. i would like something like this:


4) I need the bibliografy!!! :) but i'm not able to do it works. :(
As i see i could able to put into my thesis a biblio composed of some books
(of which i must say to lyx the path to reach them), but i has not that
books! I only knows their names. How can i put into my bibliografy the name
of the books that i know, but that i don't own on my hard disk?

Look for the bibtex documentation on your system.

5) I not able to obtain a good layout with lyx of the comments to my
images. Usually i see the image centered (as i want) but the comments that
i obtain with wrapped box area is not just below the image, but it is
between the text after the image. So i tried to put an hfill element after
the wrapped area, but it does not work.... :( I use the wrapped area so i
can put at the end of my thesis a figure list too.

Use a figure float for your figures. This lets the software determine the best placement. You can center the figure by using Layout->Paragraph->Center. In most books, the figure caption is placed beneath the figure and the table caption is placed on top of the table.

Some other people told me to use OpenOffice, but i beleve in lyx! ...am i

No. At least, that's what most of us think. However, if your university has format requirements that would take a lot of effort to enable in LyX then perhaps OO.o would be quicker for you.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
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