belahcene wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to check the spelling for a french document, I want to use aspell
> ( because there is aspell-fr package)  but the lyx always chosses the
> ispell ( I coudn't find ispell for french).
> thanks for help
> bela

Hi, Bela.

LyX uses two different ways to try and check your document.
1. If your version of LyX was compiled to use the 'pspell' package, then 
it will use the pspell library routines unconditionally. In the LyX 1.3.x 
series, you'll need to state explicitly that you want to use pspell when 
you configure the build process:

$ ./configure --help | grep spell
  --with-pspell           use PSpell libraries
  --with-pspell-include   where the pspell.h is located
  --with-pspell-lib       where the libpspell.a is located

You can check whether your version of LyX was compiled in this way with:

$ ldd <path to your executable>/lyx

If 'libpspell' is in the output then that is what you'll use.

2. The rest of us must communicate with an external executable named 
either "ispell" or "aspell" (or if you speak Hebrew, hspell). You can set 
this name from the Edit->Preferences dialog. 
(Language settings->Spellchecker pane.)

This option is not available to Windows users because the way LyX 
currently communicates with external processes is definitely unix-centric. 
That is, spellchecking on Windows currently requires the pspell libraries 
(which is the better way to go anyway.)



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