Rich Shepard wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Angus Leeming wrote:
>> Go into the rightmost of the three boxes and press ctrl-enter again.
> Angus,
>    I really dislike appearing so dense, but I just cannot get this
>    working as
> it should. I've started over at least a half-dozen times without success.
> Let me try explaining exactly what I've done so you can point out where I
> erred:
>    Use menu: Insert->Math->AMS Multiline Environment

You've got Goosens et al.'s "The Latex Companion", no? See pp235-239 
"Alignment structures for equations". Is multiline what you want? Assuming 
that it is, I just input the equation at the top of p.247. came out a 
dream. Attached.

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\begin_inset Formula \begin{multline*}
 \, dy\end{multline*}



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