This thread is making me feel too stupid. I don't really care how pdf output gets created, I'm happy to use any of the methods you recommend. In fact, sometimes I can't make it work in lyx but the script "tex2pdf" does what I need. But I now notice it calls pdflatex, and so the pstricks do not display.

I have Paul's example of a pstrick in lyx. If I want to process that through pdflatex, you say I need ps4pdf. But I can't understand how it is supposed to work. I downloaded ps4pdf.sty and the script ps4pdf, put the former in my latex distro (ran texhash) and put the script in the path (after making it executable).

Now, what magical incantation is needed to take the lyx doc with the pstricks in it into pdflatex?

Paul Smith wrote:
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:13:51 -0800 (PST), Rich Shepard

  Would I open a figure float, center the paragraph, then open the ERT box
to write the pstricks code?

Yes, Rich. An example is below.

Regards, Paul

#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass report
\language american
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 12
\spacing single \papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Float figure wide false collapsed false

\layout Standard
\align center

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard
\layout Standard

\backslash psset{unit=1.5}
\layout Standard

\backslash pspicture(-1.1,-0.5)(5.2,2.5)
\layout Standard
\backslash psplot{0}{4.95}{x sqrt}
\layout Standard
\backslash pscustom{
\layout Standard
\backslash psplot{1}{4}{x sqrt}
\layout Standard
\backslash gsave
\layout Standard
\backslash psline(4,2)(4,0)
\layout Standard
\backslash psline(1,0)(4,0)
\layout Standard
\backslash psline(1,0)(1,1)
\layout Standard
\backslash fill[fillstyle=solid]
\layout Standard
\backslash grestore
\layout Standard
\layout Standard
\backslash psaxes[labels=all,ticks=all]{->}(0,0)(-0.1,-0.1)(5,2.3)
\layout Standard
\backslash rput(1.1,1.8){$f
\backslash left( x \backslash right) =
\backslash sqrt x$}
\layout Standard
\backslash uput[0](0,2.3){$y$}
\layout Standard
\backslash uput[-90](5,0){$x$} \layout Standard
\backslash uput[-90](1.08,0){$1$} \layout Standard

\backslash endpspicture
\layout Standard
\layout Standard


\layout Caption

This is a PSTricks figure.


Paul E. Johnson                       email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Political Science  
1541 Lilac Lane, Rm 504
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66044-3177           FAX: (785) 864-5700

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