
I am a pretty new user of lyx (with little idea of latex) and have run into 
two problems, both relating to using German umlauts in lyx (1.3.5). Basically 
(I type them, dvi/pdf displays them)  they work fine, but spell checker and 
bibliography cause some problems (also with the sz-ligature): 

The spell checker stops with an error ("Spell checking failed") whenever I 
want to add a new word to the dictionary that contains an umlaut or an 

The bibliography displays umlauts, but can't cope with the sz-ligatures 
(converting them to "ss" in the author names - not in the book title) . Also, 
the sorting algorithm puts umlauts as the last letters of the alphabet, e.g. 
sorting in f"aa after foo. As far as I know, an umlaut (e.g. "o) can be 
treated as "oe" or simply as "o", while the sz-ligature is indeed treated 
(but not spelt) as "ss" for sorting.
I am using a customised bibtex style created with the makebst tool; in the 
document settings, natbib-use is enabled. I use tkbibtex to enter my 
bibliographic data. 

I found a number of things on the web on umlaut problems, but haven't seen 
anything that covers the sorting and the lyx-specific spell checking issue. 
But perhaps somebody has already cracked these particular nuts.

Thanks for any ideas!


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