Apologies in advance for the off-topic subject, but I spent the whole morning trying to sort out this problem and I am desperate. I hope someone on the list may be able to help.

Can anyone explain how to get BibTeX to correctly parse a citation to an article in a book when the .bib file uses the crossref mechanism? For example, here is a minimal file:

Author = {Nicolas Vamvoukakis},
Crossref = {Aubenque1980},
Pages = {253-269},
Title = {Les cat{\'e}gories aristot{\'e}liennes d'action et de passion vues par Simplicius},
Year = {1980}}

Address = {Paris},
Editor = {Pierre Aubenque},
Publisher = {Vrin},
Title = {Concepts et cat{\'e}gories dans la pens{\'e}e antique},
Year = {1980}}

When I cite Vamvoukakis1980 I would expect the complete reference to show up more or less like this in the bibliography (with apalike style):

Vamvoukakis, N. (1980). Les categories aristoteliennes d'action et de passion vues par Simplicius. In Aubenque, P., Concepts et categories dans la pensee antique, Vrin, Paris, 1980, pages 253-280.

Instead all I get is:

Vamvoukakis, N. (1980). Les categories aristoteliennes d'action et de passion vues par Simplicius. pages 253-280. Vrin, Paris, 1980.

The title and editor of the cross-referenced book never show up, and in fact BibTeX gives a warning about the missing title. I tried everything, read all the sources of information I could find, tried different bst styles, to no avail.

Any help greatly appreciated.



__________________________________________________ Stefano Franchi Department of Philosophy Ph: (64) 9 373-7599 x83940 University Of Auckland Fax: (64) 9 373-7408 Private Bag 92019 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Auckland New Zealand

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