>>>>> "Jose'" == Jose' Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jose'>   I am reluctant to change the file format because of this
Jose'> case. Not because it is difficult, the change seems easy, but
Jose'> because it also changes the structure of the document.

Jose'>   What is the general fix? Because for this document Angus
Jose'> solution works if the graphic is the last element or the first
Jose'> element in the line, what if it is in the middle?

OK, I misread the bug report. This is something I fixed in trunk in
Chemnitz last year. This happens when one has

\item[\includegraphics[some options]{file.eps}] some text.

The right square bracket of includegraphics confuses \item[. The
solution is to put the \item[] argument between curly brackets.

I kept the patch at the time, so I could apply it to 1.3.x if people
feel it is important (and I seem to remember that Juergen S fixed my
fix a few days ago...).


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