Eugenio wrote:

After some help from Till Tantau, and consulting every related document I could find, including de Lyx page, I developed an approach that works (?) for me including the following commands in the preamble:

\vfill \hfill \includegraphics[width=0.8\paperwidth,height=0.8\paperheight]{#1}
\hfill \vfill

and using the command


before the slide I need the background in.

I did the image processing with ImageMagick 1.6.9 tools, in order to "reduce" the intensity of the image in the background (dissolving an image onto a white background of the same size)

Any more contributions are accepted


Eugenio Guevara

----- Original Message ----- From: "samar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Eugenio Guevara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: Background image in Beamer

Hi Eugenio

I have been looking for an answer to this myself so I waited hoping someone would answer your query.
The nearest I have got is putting a grid in according to the manual on page 59 which also mentions that one can put a picture in using the \setbeamertemplate{background}

For putting a grid in one just goes:

according to the manual one can put in a background picture the same way but it gives no example how and all my attempts have not been very successful.

Perhaps someone more adroit at interpreting the manual will be kind enough to explain.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Eugenio Guevara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 11:04 AM
Subject: Background image in Beamer

I am using Beamer with Lyx 1.3.5 on a Windows XP platform. I am preparing
presentation and can't find a way to put a background image on any frame and
change it as needed.

Can anyone give some light on this matter?

Thanks in advance

Eugenio Guevara


Thanks for the persistence. That  was great. Works like a dream.

A few thoughts:

1. Depending on the size of your background bitmap you may need to adjust the 0.8 factor in the preamble.

2. if like me you are using a dark background and find your
text becoming invisible the simple solution I use is to put in the preamble:


Gives a great effect with a nearly black background

3. Is there any chance you or someone else can explain the logic of the preamble code?

4. As a beamer user I am indebted to Till Tantau and his team for a great product that really fills a void
and for documentation which is probably as good as it ever gets. For me, its goodbye powerpoint which I abhorred
and mostly used Flash instead. That was hard work. Beamer is a dream by contrast.


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