On Tue, 26 Apr 2005, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> Does anyone have any simple lyx examples for beamer to share?

I just completed my thesis defense using a Lyx-generated LaTex-Beamer
presentation not 20 minutes ago!  Here is the lyx doc:


which generates this lovely pdf:


I don't claim that my Lyx usage of Beamer is anything great.  But it
looked nice and it worked (I got my MS :).  My committee advisor asked me
what I used to generate the presentation, since he thought it looked so 
nice and like the integrated outlining.

Note that I haven't included the figures that the Lyx doc needs to 
generate the .pdf.  You can look at the .pdf to see what the whole thing 
looked like.

Also, there is a sample Lyx/Beamer presentation in the Beamer 
distribution.  Look for


for example.


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