I've created an environment for examples,

{\theorembodyfont{\upshape} \newtheorem{EE}{Exempel}}

and I've managed to write an layout for it, 

# Example style definition
Style Example
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             EE

  Align                 Left
  AlignPossible         Left
  LabelType            Top_Environment
  LabelString    "Exempel #."
    Series              Bold

Now, the thing I want to do is to sometimes use the environment  with an 
optional argument, like  I do in this ERT:
\begin{EE}[I want this]   
   bla bla bla..

to get the result

Example 5. (I want this)
bla bla bla.

The text "I want this" is written in bold, and that can easily be done without 
the [ ]-part, but I would rather use [ ].

Any ideas? I've found an option OptionalArgs but not much documentation about 
it, or how to use it.

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