On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 09:09:15AM +0800, Rob Davies wrote:
> >>Do let us know if there is an incompatibility there.
> >>
> >
> >There is an incompatibility there! :-)  The 10.3 wiki instructions
> >fail for 10.4; setting the LyX Spellchecker pref to "aspell" and then
> >doing a spellcheck brings up the error msg:
> It is not an incompatibility, because it is not installed.

Ah, but it is!

> >  Error: The file "/usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60/english" can not be  
> > opened for reading.
> >
> >There is no such file, or subdir, as "english" in
> >/usr/local/lib/aspell-0.60.  (Nor is there, for that matter, any such
> >file in the aspell-0.60 distribution on my FreeBSD box -- which
> >suggests perhaps aspell is not being called correctly within LyX?)
> >I've tried setting numerous symlinks therein to dictionary files and
> >such that  are residing in /Library/Application
> >Support/cocoAspell/aspell6- en-6.0-0 to no avail (all of which
> >returned an error msg to the effect that the  file I tried linking to
> >was in the wrong format).  aspell works just fine from the command
> >line, btw.
> If you have installed cocoAspell 2.? then you will not need the link  
> as it already does this for you.

I have installed cocoAspell 2.0.1, and there is no such link (unless
perhaps I'm not understanding what "this" in "it already does this for

> What you need to do is follow the link to the dictionaries on  
> cocoAspell site and download aspell6-en-6.0-0.tar.bz2. Decompress and  
> place folder in /Library/Application Support/cocoAspell this places  
> it where OS X Tigger looks for it then go into your System  
> Preferences and select dictionaries. 

The package install program does all of this for you.  (Just to be sure,
I went and grabbed the file in question and unzipped it.  It is exactly
what I find in /Library/Application Support/cocoAspell/aspell6-en-6.0-0.)

> Now try LyX if it works congrats if not then their is another trick.  
> Copy  the file you downloaded from the one you placed in cocoAspell  
> using command line tool (Terminal) go to where folder is and type  
> executing with the return key after each command.
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> This installs the dictionary in the actual Aspell folder at /usr/ 
> local/lib/aspell-0.60 

It was already there.

> and LyX should work with this dictionary now.

Blimey, must have been a permissions thing, as the content of the two
relevant dirs appears not to have changed, but this did the trick!
Something must be just a bit wonky with the cocoAspell package

Much obliged!


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