On Thursday 12 May 2005 09:36, Rob S wrote:

> Try adding this to the document preamble - it works using \nocite{*},
> apalike and Natbib producing the output as you require:

Thank. Now all my literature is listed in a apa like style in my bibliography 
- but the references/citation in the text has now changed from (author, year) 
format to a numerical format. Double checked the citation style in the 
citation dialog, and it is the same. Strange. It sounds a little like the 
problem Meri Williams described in an posting on May 5, 2005.

> I have no idea what this does however since I snipped it from elsewhere
> but it works for me ;-)

Maybe somebody can.


Roskilde University, Denmark.
Department of Technology and Social Science.
International Development Studies.
ESST - Society, Science and Technology in Europe.

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