For neatness' sake I note that the scrip below (now corrected in line
with J-Marc's direction) over-writes the "Article XXI" over (under?)
text of the <section> text in the table of contents. 

Not a problem. 

I rather like the look of my solution which was to put a hard return
before the <section> text. Crude, perhaps, but workable and the header
text does reflect this with a space.

Again, thanks for the support. 

On Thu, 2005-06-02 at 11:17 +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Bruce" == Bruce Ernest Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bruce> J-Marc Happy to carry out the correspondence 
> Bruce> \usepackage{remreset} 
> Bruce> \renewcommand{\thesection}{Article \Roman{section}}
> Bruce> (Blind copying here as I do not understand apart from what I
> Bruce> read)
> JMarc
Bruce Ernest Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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