I've upgraded my trusty 1.3.5 on Win2k, and my thesis 
no longer compiles. I noticed there were already some
reports on the wiki about the problems with wasy symbols 
eairler, as there is a claim these are resolved:


but this is certainly not the case where I'm sitting:

Font U/wasy/m/n/10=wasy10 at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found

I understand this might be also a MikTeX bug since it
works ok on a Linux box, and .tfm files really are
missing in MikTeX, but it still beats me why the wasysym
package should be loaded after amsmath to redefine 
\int & co., shouldn't it be the other way around? My
thesis compilation worked ok without the wasysym
package, why is it forced upon us...


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