----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul A. Rubin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lyx-users@lists.lyx.org>
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: No classes

Pablo Ortúzar wrote:
The article.cls file should be in the ./tex/latex/base folder under your LaTeX installation. Is it there? If not, the teTeX installation may be hosed. If it is there, then I suspect there's a problem with environment variables. Quoting the teTeX FAQ:

The file texmf.cnf is searched for in $SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT,
$TETEXDIR. If the file texmf.cnf is not found, set the TETEXDIR variable
in your environment.

Are those variables set in your environment?


I think there is a possibility that if article.cls exists and is not found,
that some old file like .bash_profile or /etc/profile or even .login might
have a prior defining entry which points to older locations of files and
which could possibly differ from  a newer version of teTeX, or maybe
even Suse 10 beta, which could change the previous default installation
of files and create a gun loaded with blanks pointing at the wrong culprit. Still, it seems most likely that many .cls are genuinely missing in action
rather than being held incognito as political hostages.


"(5 Jun 2005) Note that if you have environment variables for teTeX
in a wrong way (such as TEXINPUTS, TEXMF, TEXMFCNF, and so
on), they may prevent teTeX from working.  Please unset them first if
you do not know what they are for since typically they are not needed.
However, some TeX related packages may suggest to set TEXINPUTS.
In that case, please make sure the TEXINPUTS includes a trailing ":" character, which indicates the standard search paths are also used."


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